Resolve mediation, a better way forward 

We are a boutique mediation service specialising in family law matters, including parenting, property and finance and s.60I certificates.

We understand how stressful conflict is, especially when it involves family and finances. We care about helping you resolve your issues, so you can move forward without going to court. 

We strive to provide you with the care and attention you need in a safe, supported and confidential process.

You will see the same mediator throughout the process to ensure consistency and to avoid retelling your story. 
We do not take sides nor impose decisions on you.

We are experienced Lawyers, Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners and Nationally Accredited Mediators.

We believe that everyone should have access to experienced, excellent and timely service at a reasonable cost and have set our fees accordingly.

We are conveniently located in Hawksburn Village, Toorak and offer telephone, Zoom and face-to-face appointments.

At Resolve Mediation we provide the following services:

Family Dispute Resolution:

  • s.60I Certificates
  • Parenting arrangements
  • Parenting Plans
  • Property and financial arrangements
  • Interim finances
  • Spousal maintenance
  • Child support and children’s expenses
  • Strategies for facilitating communication
  • Strategies for managing changing family dynamics
  • Specific issues such as relocation, overseas travel, schooling and culture

Pro Bono Mediation:

  • Not-for-profit and charitable organisations

Our process

Step 1: Contact Us

Call or email through an inquiry form to make an appointment or to request a call back from a mediator – we will get straight back to you.

Step 2: Initial Appointment

Your mediator will meet with each party individually for a confidential discussion to understand your situation, discuss what you’re hoping to achieve and provide you with information and referrals. We will also use this time to determine if mediation is the best process for you and assist in your preparation for next steps.

Step 3: Mediation

Following each party’s initial appointment, mediation usually proceeds. This session can take place with parties in the same room or separate rooms, and with or without lawyers.
Parties will have the opportunity to express their needs, concerns and ideas. We will assist you to identify the issues both parties would like to discuss. Together, we will explore a range of options and solutions to assist parties to make decisions that are acceptable to everyone.

Step 4: Agreements

Any agreements reached in mediation will be documented and provided to all parties. These agreements are not legally binding. If parties wish, they may take the agreement to a lawyer to be drawn up into a legally binding document. This can be discussed at the mediation session.

About us

Monique Rosshandler


Monique began her career in Law as a solicitor for Victoria Legal Aid in 2001. She has more than 15 years experience assisting families navigate separation and divorce.

Monique is a Nationally Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner with the Attorney-General’s Department, and a Nationally Accredited Mediator. She has extensive experience facilitating, drafting and advising on parenting, maintenance and property agreements. Monique is extremely child and future focused.

Monique brings understanding and empathy to her role as a mediator. Her knowledge and experience in Family Law enables her to help her clients make sense of the process of Family Law, and clarify the choices available to them and then support them in the implementation of their decisions. She has successfully helped countless families reach agreements, keeping them out of the court process and thereby saving them time, money and further emotional distress.

Sharonne Slonim


Sharonne has degrees in both Law and Psychology from Monash University and a Graduate Diploma in Family Dispute Resolution from Relationships Australia Victoria. Sharonne is a Nationally Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner with the Attorney – General’s Department, a Nationally Accredited Mediator with NMAS and a Nationally Accredited Parenting Coordinator with Pacifica Congress.

Sharonne began her legal career in 1999 in Property and Finance at Mills Oakley and has extensive experience facilitating and documenting mutually beneficial outcomes in both the commercial and not-for-profit sectors, as well as a deep understanding of the complexities of relationships and developmental needs of children.

Sharonne worked as an FDRP at Better Place Australia prior to co-founding Resolve Mediation.

Sharonne has a reputation for being calm, compassionate and respectful. She adopts a constructive approach to dispute resolution with a focus on the best interests of children and practical, future-focused outcomes.

Karen Goldenberg

Senior Mediator

Karen is an experienced mediator and lawyer and has held senior positions for many years. She is a Nationally Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and Nationally Accredited Mediator.

Karen has helped hundreds of families navigate the process of separation and understands  the emotional and practical issues that can arise. These often involve complex parenting and financial considerations. She has an empathetic, caring and practical approach, assisting families to move forward to resolution.

Karen mentors younger mediators and has coached students for both mediator National Accreditation at Monash university and the post graduate Family Dispute Resolution diploma at Relationships Australia.

Her previous experience as a commercial and property lawyer enables her to mediate complex financial and property settlements. She has mediated many court referred property disputes.

Karen also conducts Elder Mediations working with siblings, parents and other family members, helping to negotiate a way forward in both financial and relationship issues.


Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is the legal term for specialist mediation that helps people affected by separation and divorce to resolve their family disputes.
At Resolve Mediation FDR can assist parties to reach agreements on a range of issues relating to children, property and finances, including specific issues such as communication, relocation, travel, schooling, culture and pets.
This service can be offered face-to-face or remotely via telephone or Zoom.
FDR is compulsory for anyone wanting to apply to the Family Courts for disputes relating to children. A S.60I Certificate provided by a FDR practitioner is required in order to make an application to the courts.
All our practitioners are accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners by the Attorney General’s Department to provide these certificates.
FDR is confidential, time efficient and cost-effective, reducing stress and saving money. 

Research shows that decisions made by the parties themselves are more readily adhered to than those imposed on them by a third party.

FDR is a process in which the parties are actively involved in resolving their disputes, coming up with the solutions that work best for their family.

Our highly trained FDR practitioners help families facilitate better communication, focus on the best interests of the children and move forward in a cooperative and positive way. 
FDR can only be provided by FDR practitioners who are specially accredited under the Family Law Act 1975 and registered with the Attorney General’s Department. 

S.60I certificates can only be issued by accredited and registered FDR practitioners.
An FDR Practitioner is a highly skilled, independent and neutral third party who helps people affected by separation and divorce to resolve their parenting issues by providing a structured process and facilitating negotiations in relation to parenting, property and finances. 

FDR Practitioners do not take sides nor provide legal advice and are not counsellors. 
We help parties
– Generate ideas and options
– Negotiate in good faith
– Reality test ideas
– Reach agreements that are child and future focused. 
We recommend parties seek independent legal advice prior to attending mediation and especially before making any agreements in FDR.

Lawyers can be involved during the mediation process by:
-attending FDR with you
-speaking to you during the FDR session or at any stage in the process
-advising you before any agreements are made in FDR
We meet each party separately to assess whether FDR is suitable. 
This usually takes approximately 1-1.5 hours.
If FDR is suitable, a mediation session is arranged. These sessions usually take approximately 2 hours.
Sometimes matters can be resolved in one session, sometimes more sessions are required if there are more topics to cover.
We assist you to reach agreements that you can live with, and which enable you to move forward. 
Agreements reached in mediation are not legally binding. For children’s matters, we can assist you in preparing a Parenting Plan. 
A Parenting Plan is a written record of an agreement between the parties that is signed and dated. 
To make your Parenting Plan legally binding, you can take your agreement to your lawyer who can arrange for it to be made into a consent order. 
Agreements made about property, finance, superannuation, maintenance and child support will also be documented by your mediator and may be taken to a lawyer to be into a legally binding document. 
FDR is an entirely confidential process.
Anything said in FDR is not admissible in any court proceedings and your mediator cannot be subpoenaed to give evidence.
An exception to this relates to disclosures about risk to children, people or property or the commission or likely commission of any offense.
Children to not attend FDR sessions.
You can discuss with your mediator about your child meeting separately with a Child Consultant as part of Child Inclusive FDR.
If you attend FDR and are unable to reach agreement, we can issue a S.60I certificate which will enable you to make an application to the courts.

537 Malvern Rd Toorak 3142

(03) 9006 0618

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    Situated in Hawksburn shopping precinct with plenty of access to trams, trains and buses.
    There is parking at Hawksburn Village.

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